
How to Install Java for Apache JMeter

As Apache JMeter is a pure JAVA based open source tool, we need a compatible Java version to run Apache JMeter. So let’s start with how to install Java. Check the below table which states which Java version has to be downloaded to make both JMeter and Java compatible.

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WebDriver Sampler in JMeter

Up to this point, performance testing has been on the server side of things as JMeter does not include the time needed to render the response, nor does JMeter process any client code, for example JavaScript . Things that add to the overall browser execution time may include:

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Integration Testing

Integration testing, in its simplest form, is the point in the software development pipeline where the team runs checks against a larger system comprised of smaller components. If each component is a brick in a house, then the integration level might test the entire house, or maybe just a single wall. In any case, this […]

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Advanced Selenium Training

Selenium is an open source tool for testing web applications. It replaces manual testing by automating the kinds of interactions a user would have with your site or application, such as clicking buttons or filling in form fields. You can develop Selenium test scripts in any popular language, such as Java, Python or Ruby, and […]

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CSS Classes – The Basics

Cascading Style Sheets, more commonly known as CSS, is a style sheet language used to define visual appearance and formatting of HTML. For developers and QA professionals, CSS can be a useful format for identifying elements on a webpage for testing. One way tests take advantage of this is by using CSS classes to instruct […]

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Continuous Integration Tools

Continuous Integration is no longer a buzzword. From its creation in 1991, it has become the industry standard for development teams that want to deliver software to their users faster. By bringing traditionally difficult, late-hitting events as early into the process as possible and automating processes that had been manual, CI removes many bottlenecks that […]

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