Category: Articles

Buying Genotropin 36 IU Online

If you are considering buying Genotropin 36 IU online, you are in the right place. It is a synthetic human growth hormone that is often used in conjunction with other anabolic steroids and insulin. However, you must be cautious before you start using this product because it can cause side effects. Read on to learn […]

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Gift certificates

Gift certificates are an original way to give the right gift for any event. It is independent of the recipient’s interests, place of residence, gender and age.

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How Much Should a Good Web Development Firm Cost?

There are many factors to consider when looking for a web development firm. The complexity of the project, the number of programmers needed, and the scope of work should all be considered. Once you’ve determined the scope and complexity of the project, you can look at how much the firm should charge. Generally, you should […]

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Appium vs Espresso

An important aspect of mobile app development process, mobile app testing has grown dynamically over the years which has resulted in quality solutions, controlled time cycles and cost schedules. But in order to provide an application free from defects, selecting an automation testing framework that caters to your application is necessary. There are plethora of frameworks available in the […]

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Types of software testing

Software Testing has been the buzzword in the software industry for a long time. Even after years of upgradation in the technological artillery, it still is on the go-to list of all testers. Software testing is a broad term that encompasses various software testing types. So what exactly amounts to Software Testing? Why is it […]

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Top 3 benefits of Automation Testing

Automation testing is rapidly becoming important for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to automate their testing processes. It turns into even more imperative while concentrating on their development of online services and e-commerce operations. Failing this, SMEs would confront a circumstance where they might be unfit to manage the costs caused because of performance […]

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Browser Testing Online

A rapidly expanding app market, coupled with an ever savvier consumer, makes developing quality apps quickly a top priority. However, users are easily annoyed with buggy apps and testing takes time. Speed up your testing and produce bug-free apps using Sauce Labs cross-platform and cross-browser automated testing tools.

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Selenium for iOS

If you’re looking to run Selenium tests for your iOS mobile app, Sauce Labs has you covered. We support an open-source, mobile automation framework called Appium, known as Selenium for mobile, which executes the WebDriver JSON Wire Protocol to let you test native, hybrid and web apps.

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Selenium Grid

Are you still maintaining your own Selenium grid? Are you tired of the wasted time devoted to maintaining the grid, updating browsers and OSes? Well you are not alone. Many organizations begin testing by using a Selenium test grid that was purpose built in house.   However, they soon find that the cost and trouble […]

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Integration of Jenkins with JMeter

Continuous Integration (CI) is an essential part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) as it automates software build, testing, and deployment processes, and performance monitoring is a key part of CI. Implementing CI helps in:

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